Support Cincinnati Museum Center today!

Constant curiosity propels us to explore and to understand.

Together, we have the once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine Cincinnati Museum Center. Your donation helps realize a bold museum experience built on the depths of our collections and the innovative spirit that courses through our DNA. Your support helps build new exhibits that will inspire guests of all ages and will Champion More Curiosity.

Cincinnati Museum Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your donation is not only appreciated, it is crucial in the success of CMC.

Download our printable donation form and mail a check made out to Cincinnati Museum Center to:

Cincinnati Museum Center
1301 Western Avenue
Suite 2253
Cincinnati, OH 45203

Thank you for your generosity. If you would like to learn more about making a multi-year pledge and elevating your impact please reach out to a member of our Philanthropy Team at (513) 287-7036 or email